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He's already dead! Out of His heart runs a flow of water and blood Meanwhile.... Joseph of Árimathea, I'm exhausted.. Let's pierce His side with a spear to make sure... Jesus died like a criminal...and I believe that He was really the Messiah. I've asked Pilate's permission to take Jesus' body so that I can bury Him. Hurry up, Nicodemus! Soon it will be night! Not far from here, I have a garden with a new, unused tomb...I've decided to bury Jesus' body there. As soon as heard of His death,, I made a mixture of myrrh and aloes... and Joseph is bring a shrowd and strips of linen.. Let's hurry, before the trumpet announces the Sabbath and the Pass-over...After that, we are not allowed to bury Him.


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  • Hits: 2004

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