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How Their Lives Changed

Faten's Testimony (Coptic Orthodox)

Listen to Faten's testimony who is from Egypt who is a former Coptic Orthodox.

Hilda's Testimony (Maronite)

The Testimony of Hilda From Beirut I was born in Beirut in 1965. When I was 9, the war started, and with it, the long devastating years of all the Lebanese started. With this war, and my house in the midst of demarcation line, questions began to haunt me day and night. Is this life? Death was our daily bread, tears and destruction everywhere. My parents, being from Christian background, could not answer my questions as they themselves d...

Emad's Testimony (Greek Orthodox)

Emad's Testimony I was born in the Gaza Strip to a Christian family who was Greek Orthodox. In Gaza, with a population of approximately one million, there is only about 1% Christians mostly belong to the Greek Orthodox Church. My father, after graduating from high school, attended the Baptist School for Allied Health Sciences in Gaza, and upon graduating, he got a job as a medical technologist at the Baptist Hospital. My father used to go to ...

Nayla's Testimony (Maronite)

God So Loved The World!!! I am testifying a miracle that happened to me in January of 1991. Before then, I had a good life. Everything was going well with me. My family was great, so was my new marriage. My job was fine, my health was great… But something was missing! Life was vanity and valueless most of the times! Eventhough I had it all, I felt in need! This inner sense of loneliness tore me apart; I felt guilty being unthankful and...