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The risen Jesus had appeared to His disciples on the evening of the day after the Pass-over. A week later they met again... There's Thomas. A pity, you were away fast week, otherwise you would have seen Jesus. the Jews... and suddenly Jesus came and stood among us! We wish you would have been with us Unheard of, but it is a fact. He was among us! You are all out of your minds... Listen, you can't fool me with such fantasy! Thomas, we had secretly gathered.

All the doors were locked out of fear for.... understand, you can't get over it and that's why since.. ..his death. you see Him everywhere. Thomas, we didn't dream; He showed us the wounds in his hands and in His side. We really have seen Him! But you didn't touch Him! You should have done that! Your imagination is running away with you. Then you would have found out that you were entertaining illusions! Unless I see the nail marks in His hands and put my hand into His side, I won't believe it! Never!


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