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Hymns and Sermons App

Hymns and Sermons App

This App offers Arabic sermons and hymns. You can choose by country or artist for hymns, and by pastor/minister or country for sermons. 

Under Hymns:

  • Choose Artist. This menu lists 9 artists from various Arabic countries.
  • Choose Country. This menu lists 7 Arabic countries (Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Egypt, Tunisia, and Iraq) from which you can choose. Once a country is chosen, the artists belonging to the selected country are displayed. Simply tap on the picture of your artist to start streaming the hymns. If you choose an artist from the artist list, his or her hymns will start to stream automatically.

Under Sermons:

  • Choose Pastor/Minister. This menu lists 7 speakers from various Arabic countries.
  • Choose Country. This menu lists 6 Arabic countries (Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia, and Iraq) from which you can choose. Once a country is chosen, the pastor/minister belonging to the selected country is displayed and his sermons will automatically start streaming. If you tap on the picture of the minister, a selection of sermons appear for your choosing. There is a concise summary for each sermon to educate you on its content.

This app is designed for Android Devices version 1.6+.

Hymns and Sermons App - screenshot Hymns and Sermons App - screenshot

Download Hymns and Sermons App

Download it from Google Play store here

All copyrights for the Smith Vandyke Arabic Bible belongs to Arabic Bible Outreach Ministry. The text is free for download and for personal use. It is prohibited to use the text for the purpose of gain or to post on other internet sites.

  • Hits: 9967

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