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Do Christians worship three gods?

Q: Do Christians worship three gods? The Muslims believe that there is one God “Allah” in the Arabic language which is the same as the Jewish God—the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Also they believe in Christ who was bo...

Did Christ come for one group or everyone?

Did our Lord Essah Christ come for the salvation of a group of people, or for all people? This question is vital for all people. And through the answer, all our respected readers will know something about the unique perso...

What do Christians and Muslims Pray?

A Comparison of the Lord's Prayer and the Islamic Fatiha Introduction  More people pray to their gods regularly in Asia and Africa than the inhabitants of industrialised nations can imagine. Hindus, Buddhists, Jewish peo...


The time in Qatar is : click here Detailed Map of Qatar |  Flag of Qatar Qatar covers a peninsula on the Persian Gulf on Saudi Arabia's eastern coast. Qatar is mostly desert, with negligible rainfall, but irrigation allows many fruits and vegetables to be grown. Large oil and natural gas reserves provide the major source of foreign trade. The Arab Qataris live in great wealth, but the Asian population lives in poverty. Qatar is an absolute monarchy under the rule of an emir. The nation was once part of the Turkish-Ottoman Empire until 1918, then was under British protection until independence in 1971. The strict Wahhabi f...

Only One Way To God

What is religion? This question has puzzled theologians throughout human history. But how did religion start in the first place? Why did it start? In order to understand some of these issues, let us have a look at the etymology of the word “religion” itself, and see that when and where this word was used for the very first time in the human history.

The word religion was used for the very first time in the Latin language. The actual word used in Latin was “religio”, which changed into religion when came into English. The roots of the Arabic word “Mazhab” or “Deen” can also be traced back to “religio”. In the Latin language, the word “religio” had three basic meanings; which are Faith, Trust & Belief.

If you further analyse these three words, faith, trust and belief; then you realize that there are actually three different characteristics

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