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What is the meaning of the name Jesus Christ?

What is the meaning of the names Jesus and Christ? And why is the Christians prophet named "Jesus Christ"? Before answering, it is necessary to point out, first of all, that Christ is not only a prophet, although the Holy...

What should I do to be saved?

What do I do to obtain righteousness by faith and to win salvation by redemption? The decision of believing in Jesus Christ and His redeeming blood on the cross is of great importance in guaranteeing that you will be in h...

Christianity or Islam, where is the Truth?

WHAT IS TRUTH? To find the answer to the "mother of all questions" we have to define what we are actually looking for. Arguably the most famous passage in literature where the question, "What is truth?" has been asked is ...


Abeih, 1846 - Dr. DE Forest's school for girls, 1847 - Simeon H. Calhoun, "The Saint of Lebanon" -Cornelius Van Alan Van Dyck. TWO institutions were begun during this period, the Abeih Seminary for boys under Dr. Van Dyck, November 4, 1846, and Dr. De Forest's family boarding-school for girls, in Beirut. The Abeih Seminary passed under the care of Rev. Simeon Calhoun, in 1849, and continued to flourish as the highest literary institution in Syria, until the Syrian Protestant College was opened in 1865. DR. H. A. DE FOREST The family boarding-school for girls in the home of Dr. and Mr. H. A. De Forest began in 1847 and continued until Dr...

Only One Way To God

What is religion? This question has puzzled theologians throughout human history. But how did religion start in the first place? Why did it start? In order to understand some of these issues, let us have a look at the etymology of the word “religion” itself, and see that when and where this word was used for the very first time in the human history.

The word religion was used for the very first time in the Latin language. The actual word used in Latin was “religio”, which changed into religion when came into English. The roots of the Arabic word “Mazhab” or “Deen” can also be traced back to “religio”. In the Latin language, the word “religio” had three basic meanings; which are Faith, Trust & Belief.

If you further analyse these three words, faith, trust and belief; then you realize that there are actually three different characteristics

Sommer's Testimony (Islam)

Christ Changed My Life Unlike many of my brothers and sisters on this website, I had attended Church as a child. This was only during the summer time though, when I visited my mother's parents in The USA. I grew up in Kuwait with a Muslim father and a Christian mother. Having a Muslim father required me to study Islam. I remember the confusion at such a young age. I thought Jesus died on the cross, but I had friends who strongly disputed this. We were only in primary (or elementary) school. By the time I was nine years old, I had a nice and pleasant Arabic tutor who was a Muslim.  She did not only help me with my homework, ...

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